Help for Organizations

We recommend that first you determine if your organization is already in our database. We regularly update our data from IRS tax filings so we may already have you listed. The easiest way to determine if we already have you in the database is to enter your EIN in the first search box then click the Search button. If you find your organization please follow the edit instructions below. If your organization is not already in our database then please follow the new organization instructions below.

Please note, organizations with zero revenue are not listed on the Give in NJ Map. However, if your organization has zero revenue and you would like to be included on the map, we welcome you to create a profile and add a new organization to our system.

Regardless if you are editing an organization or adding a new one you will need to first register. To do this click the register link on the top right, fill out the form and submit it. You will then be logged into our system and able to add a new organization or update an existing one.

If you have any questions, please contact our team at

Adding a new organization

  1. While logged into the platform hover over your name in the top right navigation.
  2. This will bring up a drop down menu with a 'My Profile' option. Click on this 'My Profile' link.
  3. From your profile click on 'My Organization'.
  4. From 'My Organizations' click on the 'Add New Organization' button.
  5. Fill out the new organization form and click the 'Save' button.
  6. Your organizational information will be submitted to our platform administrators for review.
  7. When approved by our platform administrator your organizational data will be entered into our database and appear on the platform.

Editing an existing organization

  1. Find your organization in our system and go to the organization profile page.
  2. When logged into our system you will have a green 'Edit' button available.
  3. Clicking this green 'Edit' button will open a form with existing organizational information.
  4. Edit any of this information then click the 'Save' button.
  5. Your organizational information will be submitted to our platform administrators for review.
  6. When approved by our platform administrator your new organizational data will be entered into our database and appear on the platform.